Appbot Logo

Text Analysis Tools for App Store Reviews

Semantic analysis designed specifically for app reviews. Surface common words, phrases and topics and see what drives your 1 and 5-star reviews.

Get started in minutes. No credit card required.

nlp reviews illustration

Over 25% of the Fortune 100 and 35% of top charting app developers use Appbot

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Appbot is built for app developers, by app developers. With over 15 years experience and over 10 million app downloads our team knows exactly how to leverage app reviews to grow your app into the top charts.

nlp app reviews analysis example

Understand app feedback at a glance

Get actionable insights into the words, phrases and topics that are powering customer sentiment for your apps, without reading app reviews manually. Appbot helps you understand the content of your aggregated app reviews in just a few minutes, without any need for manual categorization (though you can also categorize your app reviews manually, if you want to!).

Use Appbot's proprietary semantic analysis tools to see what delights customers, what frustrates them and how the changes you make to your apps and products are received.

nlp reviews breakdown illustration

Semantic analysis, built for app reviews

Appbot's semantic analysis tools were built specifically for the analysis of app reviews, where the use of language is unconventional. Conventional NLP tools aren't designed to reference emoji, abbreviations or shouty reviews full of capitalization. Our Words, Phrases, Topics and Tags tools can help you to answer questions like:

  • What is the sentiment for feedback that mentions our new feature?
  • What do customers think of our app`s new design?
  • What are the most common Topics mentioned in our 1 star reviews?
  • What are our most popular feature requests?
text analysis app examples of different classification types

Make sense of your unstructured feedback

Our purpose-built AI automatically classifies and analyzes the unstructured text in your reviews. We look for common keywords, popular phrases, trending themes, and even let you configure your own topics to monitor. Use Appbot's text analysis tools, to dive deep into:

  • Sentiment
  • Keywords
  • Common Phrases
  • Trending Topics & Tags
  • Emotional analysis
  • ... and much more

Ready to better understand your apps?

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