Connect hundreds of tools to Appbot via Zapier
Zapier is an online automation tool that allows you to connect Appbot with hundreds of other services, no code required.
Over 25% of the Fortune 100 and 35% of top charting app developers use Appbot
Appbot's most popular Zaps
Using Zapier allows you to integrate Appbot review data with hundreds of apps in minutes. Zapier makes it quick and easy to connect Appbot to services Appbot does not have a native integration for, no code needed. Save time and get more done by creating zaps with the tools you already know and love.
Don’t just take our word for it…
"We all really love your product; it really alleviated so much pain from all the manual work we had to do. We truly all feel this was the best tool we purchased last year 😊"

Diane Chiang, Product Operations Manager
"Integrations are fantastic and we're getting everything we need from your platform. I don't know how we'd handle reviews without you!"

Adam Black, Director, Mobile Product Development
"10/10. Allows me to easily keep track of reviews — especially after a release."

Rory Smyth, Senior Product Designer
"10/10. Very personal service - team always on hand to go the extra mile for you and answer questions"

Nicola McCoy, Product Manager
"Appbot has seriously changed how our entire company views our product and has been a huge morale booster. The feature that has really stuck with everyone is the weekly report card and daily stream of app store reviews into a Slack channel. We've opened up the channel to the whole company to increase transparency and folks LOVE it."

Kyle Roderick, UI/UX Designer
"Appbot is one of the most cost-effective investments Anthem makes. The data is rock-solid and with my 'subscriptions' to ourselves and our competitors, I can see feedback in real time."

Douglas Forshey, Director of Digital Analytics & VOC
Get started with Appbot and Zapier in minutes
Start your Appbot free trial
Log in to your Zapier account or create a new account
Now click on "Connect new account" and search for "Appbot"
Use your credentials to connect your Appbot account to Zapier
Once that’s done you can start creating an automation! Use a pre-made Zap or create your own with the Zap Editor. Creating a Zap requires no coding knowledge and you’ll be walked step-by-step through the setup
Need inspiration? See everything that’s possible with Appbot and Zapier