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Reply to app store reviews

Reply to app store reviews on the Apple and Google Play stores for happier customers and better star ratings.

Get started in minutes. No credit card required.

reply to app store reviews tool

Over 25% of the Fortune 100 and 35% of top charting app developers use Appbot

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Appbot is built for app developers, by app developers. With over 15 years experience and over 10 million app downloads our team knows exactly how to leverage app reviews to grow your app into the top charts.

Key facts about app review replies

89% of reviews go unanswered

We analyzed 35 million app reviews and found that a staggering percentage go unanswered. Stand out from the pack! Replying to app reviews is still an opportunity missed by most app developers.

Average 0.7-star boost

A study by Google revealed that apps that reply to app reviews experienced an average 0.7-star increase in their ratings after they started replying.

Timing of replies matters

We analyzed 50,000 reviews that received a reply on the Google Play store and found that over 60% of replies were made within 12 hours of the review being published.

Automatically reply to app reviews

Level up your UX with Auto Replies

We know, firsthand, how important replying to app reviews is for higher star ratings. With more and more apps taking replies seriously the quality and timing of your replies has never been more important.

That's why we built Auto Replies, powered by Appbot AI. Auto Replies is a first-of-its-kind customer service automation tool, especially for app reviews.

Auto Replies are completely configurable, using an intuitive, rules-based workflow. Use it to send a warm, unique reply to 5 star reviews, or automate replying to reviews that mention a particular feature or bug with your own canned replies.

reply to app reviews with Appbot AI

Draft replies on demand with Appbot AI

Replying to app reviews is hard. We've been doing it for years, and we know the importance of unique, personalized replies in driving a better user experience, as well as a higher star rating.

But not anymore. You can use Appbot AI to draft replies to app reviews, on demand. Our AI-powered system uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand the context and sentiment of each review and generate personalized, human-like responses that will delight your customers.

Post your reply straight to the app stores, without leaving Appbot, for maximum efficiency.

google play reply to reviews

Reply tools for teams of any shape or size

Reply to app store reviews from right inside your Appbot account, using Reply in Appbot. Anyone who has access to your Appbot account can reply to app reviews, removing the need for support agents to have access to the app stores. Reply in Appbot also comes with built in Canned Replies!

Our Reply in Integrations feature makes it easy for you to treat app reviews as another customer support channel. Reply in Integrations will send all your iOS & Google Play reviews into Zendesk or Slack and allow your team to reply, in-line, without leaving them.

For smaller teams, use Reply in Console links from Appbot's review emails or integrations, like Slack. Just follow the link to head directly to the selected review in the Google Play or Apple app store console.

Filtering app reviews

Customize your reply workflow

Appbot saves you hours by offering an array of ways to group your reviews. Apply filters by date, star rating, keyword, topic, custom topic and more so you can respond to similar reviews without changing context.

Different teams have different priorities, so Appbot's filters are fully customizable to allow you to find the reviews that matter the most for your app, easily. Filter which reviews you send to Zendesk, Slack or other integrations to keep the most important reviews top of mind.

Graph showing app ratings change over time

Replies lead to higher star ratings

Replying to reviews demonstrates to your customers that you're serious about customer service. A study by Google showed that apps that regularly reply to customers see an average 0.7 star increase in their star rating when they begin replying.

Want to know if replying to reviews really helps your ratings? Appbot even offers advanced, exportable reporting to help you track exactly how much impact your review replies have on your star rating.

Ready to better understand your apps?

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